
Who must complete the Check-Mig form before travelling to Colombia?

By 1 June 2024No Comments

Who must complete the Check-Mig form before travelling to Colombia?

Le Check-Mig form is an essential document for travellers to Colombia. It is required for all international travellers, whether foreigners or Colombian nationals, aged over 18. This digital form is used to optimise the control and management of migration flows, in line with public health policies and security measures. The following are some of the categories of people concerned:

  • All international travellers entering Colombia by air.
  • Transit passengers who have to go through Colombian customs.
  • Tourists and business travellers, whatever the length of their stay.
  • Colombian citizens returning to their country.

The form must be completed online and submitted between 24 hours and 1 hour before the departure of the flight to Colombia. It is important to complete this form accurately to avoid delays on arrival. Information to be provided includes:

  • Details of your passport.
  • Your travel itinerary.
  • An emergency contact in Colombia.
  • Information about your current state of health.

Once the form has been submitted, a QR code will be generated. This code must be presented to the authorities on boarding and on arrival in Colombia. Be sure to save an electronic and printed copy of this QR code for easy access.

By not completing the Check-Mig formIf you do not have a valid passport, you risk being denied boarding or facing complications on arrival. So take the time to fill in this form carefully. It is also advisable to check the latest updates and guidelines from the Colombian government regarding travel restrictions and public health policies before you leave.

Requirements for travellers

Le Check-Mig form is a requirement for all travellers to Colombia, whether they are tourists or residents. This form must be completed online before departure, to facilitate entry procedures and comply with current public health policies.

All persons entering Colombia, regardless of their means of transport, must comply with this requirement. This includes:

  • Foreign travellers
  • Colombian citizens returning home
  • Permanent residents of Colombia

It is important to note that the form must be completed between 24 hours and 1 hour before the flight or border crossing. This is to ensure that the health information is as up to date as possible.

The Check-Mig form asks for personal information, details of the flight or journey, and details of the traveller's state of health. Make sure you have all the necessary documents, such as your passport and flight ticket, before you start filling in the form.

Travellers should also be aware of restrictions related to COVID-19 in Colombia, which may include the presentation of a negative PCR test or proof of vaccination against the virus. These requirements may vary and must be checked before departure.

To ensure that all the steps are followed, we recommend that you use secure payment methods and that you have a stable internet connection when filling in the form. Once completed, it is advisable to print a copy or save the confirmation on a mobile device for presentation on arrival.

Filling procedure

Le Check-Mig form is an essential document for all travellers to Colombia. This form is used to collect important information about passengers in order to facilitate their entry into Colombia and to comply with the public health measures in force.

Who must complete the Check-Mig form before travelling to Colombia?

Le Check-Mig form must be completed by :

  • All passengers, whether Colombian or foreign, entering Colombian territory.
  • Transit travellers passing through a Colombian airport on their way to another country.

This form must be completed before boarding, to avoid any refusal or delay when entering Colombia.

Filling procedure

Completing the Check-Mig form is simple and must be done online:

  1. Visit the official Migración Colombia website.
  2. Select the option to fill in the Check-Mig form.
  3. Create an account by entering your personal details such as your surname, first name, date of birth and nationality.
  4. Enter your flight details: flight number, airline, date and time of arrival or departure.
  5. Fill in the details of your stay: address of residence in Colombia, length of stay and purpose of visit.
  6. Make sure all the information is correct and submit the form.
  7. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Print this document or keep it on a mobile device for presentation on arrival.

We recommend that you fill in the between 24 hours and 1 hour before your flight to avoid any problems.

Validity of the form

Le Check-Mig form is mandatory for all travellers travelling to Colombia, whether tourists, residents or Colombian nationals. This form must be completed online prior to departure and aims to facilitate the immigration process and ensure compliance with public health protocols.

This requirement also applies to transit via Colombia. Whether you're coming for holidaysand business or to visit your nearest and dearest, the Check-Mig is a must.

The Check-Mig form must be completed within 24 hours before your boarding to Colombia. Once completed, it is valid until you pass the customs inspections when you arrive in Colombia.

To complete it, you will need the following information:

  • Your passport valid
  • The details of your flight
  • A contact address in Colombia

It is essential to check theaccuracy of all the information provided to avoid complications at customs. If you make any mistakes, you can fill in a new form before departure.

Failure to submit a valid Check-Mig form may result in penalties of delays or even a denied boardingIt is therefore crucial to ensure that this document is completed correctly and on time.

Exceptions to the Check-Mig form

find out who needs to complete the check-mig form before travelling to colombia and the steps you need to take to travel with peace of mind.

Le Check-Mig form is a requirement for all travellers entering or leaving Colombia. It enables the Colombian authorities to monitor and manage entry to and exit from the country, particularly for health and security reasons.

This obligation applies to :

  • The Colombian citizens returning to Colombia.
  • The foreign tourists visiting Colombia.
  • The temporary residents or permanent residents of Colombia.

Anyone falling into these categories must complete the online form before travelling to Colombia. The form must be submitted no more than 24 hours before the flight and at least one hour before boarding.

Although most travellers are required to complete the Check-Mig formThere are a few exceptions:

  • Children under the age of two.
  • Crew members on aircraft and other international transport.
  • People travelling in transit, who will not go through the Colombian immigration services and will leave the country within 24 hours of their arrival.

In the case of special exceptions, it is advisable to check the latest updates on the official website of the Colombian authorities or with the Colombian embassy.

To avoid any complications when travelling to Colombia, make sure you comply with this requirement and provide the information requested accurately and completely. A properly completed form will facilitate your entry into the country and avoid unnecessary delays or complications at the airport.

Exempt persons

Le Check-Mig form is a requirement for travellers to Colombia. This document enables the Colombian authorities to better manage the arrival of passengers and to comply with public health protocols.

In certain cases, exceptions apply to the obligation to complete this form.

Certain categories of people may be exempt from this requirement:

  • Diplomats Diplomats and their families are generally exempt from the Check-Mig form when travelling on official business.
  • Military : Military personnel on official business may also be exempted from completing this document.
  • Children under 2 Very young passengers, under 2 years of age, are not required to submit this form.

It is advisable to check with the Colombian authorities or the airline to find out about specific exemptions and to ensure that all requirements are met.

Special cases

The form Check-Mig is a requirement for all travellers to Colombia. It must be completed online before departure, and it is recommended that this be done between 24 hours and one hour before boarding. This form is essential to facilitate passage through migration controls and to meet health requirements, particularly in times of pandemic.

However, there are exceptions Transit passengers who do not leave the international zone of the airport are not required to complete this form. Similarly, airline crews are exempt, as their entry into and exit from the country are regulated by different procedures.

For special cases, several situations need to be considered. For example, minors must have their own Check-Mig form completed by a parent or legal guardian. Passengers with disabilities may require additional assistance from airlines or consular services to complete the form. People travelling for diplomatic reasons follow specific protocols established by their embassies and may have special dispensations.

  1. Check that your passport is valid for at least six months after the planned return date.
  2. Make sure you have all the travel documents required, including visas if necessary.
  3. Fill in the form Check-Mig online within the recommended timeframe.

Compliance with these conditions will enable travellers to enter Colombia without complications and to comply with local public health requirements.

Specific conditions

To travel to Colombia, you need to complete the Check-Mig formThis is a crucial step for entering the country. All travellers, whether returning to Colombia or visiting, must submit this form online before their departure. The aim is to make it easier to manage and control the flow of travellers, and to ensure compliance with current public health protocols.

Exceptions to the Check-Mig form

Although the Check-Mig form is compulsory for most travellers, there are certain exceptions. Children under the age of 2 are exempt from this formality. In addition, transit passengers who do not leave the airport area do not need to complete this form.

  • Children under 2
  • Transit passengers

Specific conditions

It is important to note that the Check-Mig form must be completed between 24 hours and one hour before the flight. Travellers must provide personal information, travel details and health information. The use of secure payment methods is recommended to avoid any problems.

  • Complete between 24 hours and one hour before the flight
  • Provide personal information and travel details
  • Use secure payment methods

Travellers should also check the validity of their passport before completing the Check-Mig form, and ensure that it meets Colombia's requirements. In the event of restrictions or new directives relating to public health, it is advisable to consult official updates to avoid any inconvenience.

🛂 International travellers
👶 Children and babies
👴 The elderly
💼 Business travellers
🎓 International students
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Families on the move

Consequences of non-compliance with the obligation to complete the Check-Mig

Le Check-Mig form is a mandatory requirement for all travellers entering Colombia, whether they are Colombian citizens or foreigners. This form is used to centralise passenger information for the purposes of security and public health. Please note that it must be completed online. 48 hours before your flight and up to one hour before boarding.

Here's who has to fill in the Check-Mig:

  • All Colombian citizens returning to Colombia.
  • Foreign residents in Colombia.
  • Tourists and other foreign visitors.
  • Travellers in transit through Colombia.

The information required includes your identityyour itineraryyour state of health and details of contact. Make sure you get a confirmation to avoid any problems at the airport.

Failing to complete the Check-Mig can have unpleasant consequences. Here are the main ones:

  • Denied boarding by the airline.
  • Delays at immigration on arrival in Colombia.
  • Possible fines or administrative sanctions.
  • Increased risk of quarantine or other health measures.

To guarantee travel make sure that all the information you have provided is correct and that you have received a confirmation of your submission.

Possible penalties

Le Check-Mig form is a requirement for all travellers to Colombia. This online form must be completed before departure, whether for business, tourism or transit purposes. It enables the Colombian authorities to collect information on passengers in order to facilitate public health measures and customs procedures.

The Check-Mig form must be completed by :

  • Colombian citizens returning to Colombia
  • Foreign nationals visiting Colombia
  • Transit passengers who may leave the airport's international zone

It is crucial to complete this form between 24 hours and 1 hour before the flight. Failure to do so may have serious consequences.

Non-compliance with the obligation to complete the Check-Mig form may result in the following consequences disadvantages and sanctions. Passengers who fail to submit this form in time risk being denied boarding.

Possible sanctions include:

  • Denied boarding by the airline
  • Fines imposed by the Colombian authorities
  • Long delays at immigration checkpoints
  • Possibility of compulsory quarantine on arrival

To avoid these situations, it is advisable to check travel requirements regularly and complete the Check-Mig form in good time. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and use secure payment methods for any fees associated with submitting the form.

Entry restrictions

Le Check-Mig form is compulsory for anyone travelling to Colombia. This includes touriststhe business travellers that Colombian residents of return to the country. The form must be completed online in the 24 hours preceding the flight. It is essential to provide accurate and up-to-date information to facilitate entry and exit procedures.

Failure to comply with the obligation to complete the Check-Mig can have serious consequences. Travellers risk being denied boarding by their airline. When they arrive in Colombia, they may also be refused entry to the country or be subject to lengthy delays. verification procedures. These complications can lead to considerable delays and additional costs.

Restrictions on entry to Colombia in the absence of a valid Check-Mig may include:

  • Denied boarding by the airline
  • Refusal to enter Colombia
  • Problems of verification by the Colombian authorities
  • Significant delays in clearing customs and immigration

To avoid these problems, it is essential to ensure that the Check-Mig form is correctly completed and submitted before the trip.

Recourse in the event of refusal

La Colombia requires all travellers entering its territory to complete the Check-Mig form. This document must be completed online between 24 hours and 1 hour before the flight. Whether you are a Colombian citizen or a foreigner, this step is essential to facilitate immigration procedures.

Failure to complete the Check-Mig can cause complications when you arrive in Colombia. Passengers may face considerable delays and even be refused entry. What's more, airlines may refuse boarding if the form is not completed, as they are obliged to check this document at check-in.

In the event of refusal of entry to Colombia due to lack of Check-MigHowever, there are remedies available. You will generally need to contact the immigration authorities to explain your situation and try to regularise your status. In some situations, additional steps may be required to obtain entry clearance.

To avoid these inconveniences, follow these recommendations:

  • Fill in the form Check-Mig online by the deadline.
  • Keep an electronic or printed copy of the Check-Mig after submitting it.
  • Check the specifications required by the airline concerning Check-Mig before departure.

These precautions will ensure entry into Colombia without a hitch.

Recommendations for a worry-free trip to Colombia

Le Check-Mig form is an essential step for all travellers to Colombia. This document enables the Colombian authorities to collect important information on passengers before their arrival. It must be completed online between 24 hours and 1 hour before the flight.

This obligation applies to :

  • All foreign citizens entering Colombia.
  • Colombian nationals returning home.
  • International transit passengers who must pass through Colombian immigration.

To complete the Check-Mig, you need the following information:

  • Passport number and expiry date.
  • Flight information (flight number, date and time).
  • Address of residence in Colombia for the duration of the stay.
  • Emergency contact details.

Once the form has been submitted, you will receive confirmation by email. We strongly recommend that you print or save a digital copy of this confirmation, as it may be requested at airport checks.

In addition to the Check-Mig, here are a few recommendations for a worry-free trip to Colombia :

  • Check the validity of your passport and make sure it is valid for at least six months after your return date.
  • Keep a copy of your important documents (passport, plane tickets, hotel reservations) in paper and digital format.
  • Find out more about public health policies in force and comply with them scrupulously.
  • Use secure and practical methods of payment, such as international credit cards.

Preparing for your trip

Le Check-Mig form is an essential requirement for anyone travelling to Colombia. This electronic document is used to inform the Colombian authorities about the details of your trip and your state of health, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It must be completed by all travellers, whether Colombian or foreign.

Residents and non-residents travelling to Colombia by air must submit this form online before arriving in the country. It is recommended that you complete this form between 24 hours and one hour before the departure of your flight. The main objective is to ensure that all relevant information is communicated and that the appropriate health measures are put in place.

To complete the Check-Mig form, you need the following information:

  • Your passport number
  • Details of your flight (flight number, airline, etc.)
  • A residential or holiday address in Colombia
  • A contact number
  • Latest health information

The Check-Mig form is available on the official Migración Colombia website and can be completed in French. Once you have completed the form, you will receive confirmation by e-mail. It is vital that you keep this confirmation, as you may be asked for it at the airport.

Preparing for your trip also includes checking that the validity of your passport. Make sure that your passport is valid for the duration of your stay in Colombia. If necessary, you can extend the validity of your passport before departure. It is also important to check any restrictions linked to the pandemic, such as the COVID-19 tests required or the quarantine periods to be respected.

Respect the public health policies of the host country is essential for a worry-free trip. In Colombia, this may include wearing a mask in public places, respecting social distance and observing health rules specific to certain tourist sites.

On-site security

The form Check-Mig is a requirement for all travellers to Colombia. This digital document must be completed before boarding your flight to Colombia. By completing this form, you will help to facilitate the health and immigration control procedures on your arrival.

Who should fill it in? Whether you are a foreign or Colombian citizen, every passenger is required to complete the form. This includes adults and children, even babies. If you are travelling in a group or with your family, each member must submit their own Check-Mig form.

How do I fill in the form?

  • Visit the official Migración Colombia website.
  • Fill in the required information, such as your surname, first name, passport number and flight details.
  • Submit the form no later than 24 hours before your flight.
  • Print or save the confirmation of submission for presentation at the airport.

Make sure that your passport is valid for the duration of your stay and that no travel restrictions apply to you. It is also advisable to take out travel insurance to cover any medical expenses or incidents that may occur during your stay.

To guarantee serene travel in ColombiaIf you have any questions, please follow the advice below:

  • Check the health requirements of COVID-19.
  • Keep a digital copy of your important documents, such as your passport, flight tickets and confirmation of accommodation.
  • Prepare a first-aid kit including basic medicines and personal care items.

In terms of securityWe recommend that you take a few precautions:

  • Avoid displaying valuables in public.
  • Only use authorised taxi services or recognised transport applications.
  • Find out about areas to avoid and any security alerts by consulting the travel advice.

Following these recommendations will help you make the most of your experience in Colombia, while minimising the risks and inconvenience. Enjoy your trip!

Useful information

Le Check-Mig form is a requirement for all travellers to Colombia. It is a compulsory procedure introduced by the Colombian authorities to collect information on passengers and facilitate health checks on entering the country.

The form must be completed 48 hours before departure and no later than 1 hour before boarding. It is intended for Colombian citizens, foreign residents and international travellers. In the event of an error or omission, the traveller may be refused boarding or entry into Colombia.

Make sure that the information provided on the Check-Mig form is accurate and up-to-date. You will need the following documents to complete the form correctly:

  • Your passport
  • Details of your flight
  • Your destination address in Colombia
  • Contact information

It is recommended to check the validity of your passport before starting this procedure. A passport that is valid for the duration of your stay is crucial. If your passport has expired or is about to expire, take the necessary steps to renew it.

For a worry-free trip to Colombia, it is also important to respect the following rules public health policies in force. Check the latest health recommendations and requirements, such as vaccination against COVID-19, before travelling.

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