
Why do I need a Check-mig for my trip to Colombia?

By 24 April 2024No Comments

Le Check-mig is a security measure introduced by the Colombian government to control the entry and exit of travellers on its territory. This document is essential for all tourists, whatever the reason for their trip.

Business travel and Check-Mig: guaranteeing efficient management

All travellers to Colombia on business must complete the Check-mig application form. This clearly identifies their visitor status and facilitates administrative procedures with the local authorities. In addition, this procedure is designed to ensure that all foreign nationals comply with the laws and regulations in force. The Check-Mig therefore makes it easier to enter Colombia.

Simplified formalities thanks to Check-Mig

All the information provided when applying for a Check-Mig is stored in a single database, accessible by the Colombian government. This centralisation greatly facilitates administrative procedures for business travellers, who see their processing time reduced and their interactions with the authorities simplified.

Holidays in Colombia: prepare with peace of mind

Colombia is a booming tourist destination, attracting thousands of visitors every year with its breathtaking scenery and rich culture. To guarantee a pleasant stay, the Colombian government requires a valid Check-mig when entering the country, even for leisure tourists.

Studying in Colombia: a safe, supervised adventure

International students wishing to study in Colombia are also required to apply for a Check-mig before their departure. This document allows them to enter the country like any other traveller.

Health and humanitarian travel: guaranteeing the safety of populations

The Colombian government attaches particular importance to protecting its citizens from health risks, which is why it systematically requires a Check-mig from anyone entering the country on a medical or humanitarian mission.


In conclusion, anyone entering or leaving Colombia must complete the Check-Mig.

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