
How are identity checks carried out for travellers in Colombia?

By 23 May 2024No Comments

Go behind the scenes of identity checks for travellers to Colombia! Learn everything there is to know about the procedures, checks and formalities for travelling with peace of mind in this magnificent South American country. Follow our expert guide for a safe and hassle-free travel experience.

Documents required for identity verification

In Colombia, checking the identity of travellers is essential to ensure their safety and the smooth running of their journeys. To enter and leave the country, the Colombian authorities impose strict rules that all travellers must respect.

Documents required for identity verification

To ensure that your trip to Colombia goes smoothly, you need the following documents:
- Valid passport
- National identity card (for nationals of Andean Community countries)
- Visa (if required)
- Additional travel documents, such as the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate for certain regions
The Colombian authorities may also ask for proof of a return flight reservation, as well as confirmation of a hotel reservation or a letter of invitation.

Customs and security checks

Identity checks are carried out at various entry points such as airports, seaports and land border posts. The checks are designed to :
- Checking the authenticity of travel documents
- Checking travellers' criminal records
- Ensure that travellers are not carrying illegal substances or prohibited items
It is advisable to arrive at the checkpoints well before the scheduled departure time to avoid any delays.

The compulsory Check-Mig

Every traveller entering or leaving Colombia must complete the Check-Mig form, which is an administrative requirement designed to gather information about the traveller prior to arrival in or departure from the country. The Check-Mig procedure is necessary for :
- Improving border security
- Facilitating the control process
- Reduce waiting times at entry and exit points

Simplify the procedure with

For travellers who want to lighten the administrative burden, it is possible to entrust the completion of the Check-Mig form to specialist services such as For a service fee, these platforms take care of :
- Fill in the Check-Mig form for you
- Check that all the required information has been entered correctly
- Submit the form on your behalf
Using services such as saves time and protects you from potential errors when filling in the form. This gives you extra peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate fully on your trip.

Practical advice for travellers

To ensure a smooth identity check, keep the following tips in mind:
- Always carry printed and electronic copies of your travel documents.
- Check the specific requirements of the region you plan to visit in Colombia
- Arrive early at checkpoints to avoid long queues
- Use online services such as to avoid administrative complications
Complying with these requirements and practical advice will ensure a safe and carefree trip to Colombia.

Checking at airports

Checking travel documents

When you arrive at an airport in Colombia, the first crucial step is to check your documents. This includes presenting a valid passport and, if necessary, a visa. Border control officers will scrutinise these documents to confirm their authenticity and validity. It is important to note that some countries have visa exemption for short stays in Colombia. However, if this is not the case, a visa must be obtained in advance.

Check-Mig: A compulsory step

In Colombia, the Check-Mig form is compulsory for entering and leaving the country. This electronic document must be completed online by all travellers, no later than 24 hours before the scheduled flight. It enables the Colombian authorities to gather important information on passengers and facilitate the arrival control process. Failure to comply with this procedure can lead to long delays and complications during boarding.

Security control

Once travel documents have been validated, passengers must go through security checks. This process generally includes checking hand baggage and subjecting passengers to security gates. These procedures are designed to ensure the safety of all passengers by preventing the carriage of dangerous items. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with the prohibited items to save time during this check.

Verification of biometric identity

More and more Colombian airports are adopting biometric technology to enhance passenger security. Biometric scanners are used to verify the identity of passengers by comparing their fingerprints, facial recognition or other biometric characteristics with the information stored in their passports. This technology speeds up the screening process while offering enhanced security.

Going through customs

When travellers arrive on Colombian soil, they must pass through customs control. This includes declaring the goods being transported and checking goods that may be subject to customs duties. It is important to declare any items of value honestly and to comply with local customs regulations to avoid fines or seizure. service: Simplify your formalities

For travellers looking to take the stress out of formalities, the service offered by is an ideal solution. This platform helps passengers complete the Check-Mig form for a small service fee. By delegating this task, travellers can concentrate on other aspects of their trip, safe in the knowledge that their documents will be completed correctly and submitted on time.

What to do if there is a problem with the identity check

If any problems arise during identity checks, you are advised to remain calm and cooperate fully with the authorities. Having all the required documents to hand, including electronic copies, can help resolve complications quickly. If problems persist, contacting your country's consulate or embassy can offer further assistance.
Complying with verification and control procedures in Colombia is essential for a smooth journey. By being well prepared and using services such as, travellers can ensure a trouble-free entry into the country.

The roles and responsibilities of the Colombian authorities

Roles of the Colombian Authorities in Identity Verification

Checking the identity of travellers to Colombia is a rigorous procedure carried out by various authorities to guarantee the security of the country and its visitors. The main authorities involved in this process include migration, national police and customs.
Migration Colombia agents play a central role in verifying the identity of international travellers. Their job is to check travel documents such as passports and visas to ensure that they are authentic and compliant.

Verification procedures at entry points

When travellers arrive in Colombia, a number of checks are carried out to ensure their safety and security.
Passport and visa control : Travellers' passports and visas are thoroughly inspected by Migration Colombia officers to ensure that they meet legal requirements.
Biometric control : Biometric data, such as fingerprints and photographs, may be collected to establish the identity of travellers.
Recording entries and exits : Travellers' entries and exits are recorded in databases in order to track people's movements and prevent abuse or illegal residence.

Customs and Security Controls

Colombian customs, in collaboration with other security agencies, play a fundamental role in checking luggage and goods carried by travellers.
Baggage inspection : Customs officers inspect baggage for the presence of illegal substances, prohibited items or contraband goods.
Declaration of assets : Travellers must declare certain types of goods and sums of money above a certain threshold.

The Check-Mig: a compulsory procedure

To make travelling to Colombia easier and safer, the government has introduced the Check-Mig system, an electronic form that must be completed by all travellers entering or leaving the country before departure.
Check-Mig collects essential information such as personal data and travel details, enabling information to be checked in advance to speed up procedures at points of entry.

The service

To simplify this process and give travellers peace of mind, the service offers assistance in completing the Check-Mig form. For a small fee, this service allows travellers to delegate this stressful and potentially complex administrative task, ensuring that all information is correctly entered and submitted on time. This saves time and allows travellers to concentrate on other, more enjoyable aspects of their trip.
The Colombian authorities, in cooperation with various agencies and services, are doing their utmost to ensure that travellers' identities are thoroughly checked, thereby contributing to the country's safety and security.

Safety measures in force at the time of verification

Identity checks at entry and exit points

The Colombian authorities are putting in place various measures to ensure rigorous identity checks at entry and exit points in the country. All travellers must present a valid passport and sometimes a visa, depending on their nationality. In addition to these documents, Colombia requires the Check-Mig form (pre-registration of migratory data) to be completed prior to travel. This form enables the authorities to pre-assess passengers' personal and travel details.

The Check-Mig form

The Check-Mig is a compulsory electronic form for all travellers entering or leaving Colombia. This document must be completed online before boarding the flight. It collects information such as personal details, flight details and address of stay in Colombia.
The authorities use this database for a preliminary check to speed up the immigration process on arrival. However, this form can be tedious for some travellers, which is why specialist services such as offer assistance in filling it in correctly, for a fee. By entrusting this task to professionals, travellers can approach their trip with greater peace of mind.

Border Security Controls

On arrival in Colombia, passengers undergo several security checks, including the presentation of their passport and visa (if applicable). The immigration officer will also check that the Check-Mig form has been filled in correctly, in order to confirm the traveller's identity and prevent any illegal entry or entry under false identity.
Scanners and other biometric technologies, such as facial recognition and fingerprints, are also used to enhance verification. These advanced measures increase security and reduce the risk of document fraud.

Real-time verification of biometric information

The use of biometric information has become standard in airport security. In Colombia, this data is verified in real time to authenticate the identity of travellers quickly and efficiently. This method includes:

  • Facial recognition.
  • Fingerprints.
  • Iris scans.

These mechanisms not only confirm the identity of travellers, but also identify any inconsistencies with data recorded in international law enforcement databases.

Post-Entry Controls

After passing through border controls, checks may still be carried out during your stay in Colombia. The local authorities may ask visitors to produce their passport or other identification documents for routine checks or in the interests of public safety.
Collaboration between government agencies and private security institutes ensures constant monitoring and vigilance, guaranteeing a high level of safety for visitors and residents alike.
Security procedures and documentation requirements may seem rigorous, but they are essential to ensuring the safety of everyone in Colombia. Thanks to systems like Check-Mig and advances in biometric technology, the identity verification process is becoming smoother and more secure.

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