
Do I have to complete the Check-Mig form if I am in transit in Colombia?

By 15 June 2024No Comments

General information

The form Check-Mig is a requirement imposed by the Colombian authorities to improve the process of controlling and managing entry to and exit from the country. This electronic form enables immigration to collect crucial information on incoming and outgoing passengers.

Travellers in transit in Colombia, i.e. those who do not leave the international zone of the airport and continue their journey to another destination in a short space of time, must also take certain precautions.

Here are a few points to check:

  • If your transit lasts less than 24 hours and you do not leave the transit zone, you are not required to complete the Check-Mig form.
  • Make sure that your stay in Colombia does not exceed 24 hours to avoid completing additional formalities.

However, for longer transits or if you need to leave the international transit zone, you will need to complete the Check-Mig form. You must then :

  • Complete the form at least 24 hours before your arrival in Colombia.
  • Bring a valid passport and other necessary documents.

If in doubt, it is advisable to check the specific instructions for the transit on the official websites or with your airline to avoid any inconvenience.

Transit conditions in Colombia

During a transit in ColombiaIt is crucial to understand the necessary administrative formalities, in particular the Check-Mig. This form, introduced by the Colombian authorities, is designed to control and facilitate the entry and exit of travellers in connection with health measures.

For travel in transit If you do not leave the international zone of the airport, you are generally not required to complete the Check-Mig form. However, it is advisable to check with the airline or the Colombian authorities to ensure that this rule applies to your specific case, as requirements may vary.

It is important to note certain transit conditions :

  • Transit should not exceed 24 hours.
  • Travellers must remain in the international zone of the airport.
  • No entry stamp should be affixed to the passport.

If you have to leave the international zone or if your transit lasts more than 24 hours, filling in the Check-Mig form becomes compulsory. In this case, make sure you have your passport and all the necessary information ready to complete the online form. This includes your flight details and destination address.

Due to frequent changes in public health regulations, such as those introduced in Colombia, it is essential to keep abreast of the latest requirements before you leave. It is also advisable to use secure and practical means of payment for all administrative procedures.

Procedure to follow

Le Check-Mig form is a compulsory formality for entering and leaving Colombia. It enables the authorities to check travellers' health and migration details. However, a frequently asked question is whether this form is necessary when you are in transit in Colombia.

If you are in transit through Colombia without leaving the international zone of the airport, you generally do not need to complete the Check-Mig form, but it is always advisable to check with your airline and the local authorities to ensure you have the latest requirements.

For passengers in transit who need to leave the transit zone or go through immigration, you need to fill in the Check-Mig form. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Visit the official website of Check-Mig.
  2. Fill in the personal details requested, such as your name, passport number and nationality.
  3. Indicate your transit status and the details of your connection flight.
  4. Submit the form at least 24 hours before your planned arrival or departure in Colombia.

It is important to have a internet connection to fill in this form and check that all the information provided is correct. Once the form has been submitted, keep a digital or printed copy of the confirmation.

For organised travellers, following this procedure will ensure a hassle-free experience during your transit through Colombia.

Documents required

The form Check-Mig is a requirement imposed by the Colombian authorities to facilitate the immigration process. However, it is important to know whether you need to complete it when you are simply in transit in Colombia.

If you are not leaving the international area of the airport and your transit time does not exceed 24 hours, you do not need to complete the Check-Mig form. In this case, simply present your transit documents and continue on to your final destination.

However, if your transit includes a exit from the international zoneThis includes passengers with an extended transit who wish to visit the city during their stopover.

Make sure you fill in the form online before your departure to avoid any complications when you arrive in Colombia. The form must be completed between 24 hours and 1 hour before your flight.

To complete the Check-Mig form, you will need the following documents:

  • Valid passportwith at least six months' validity remaining.
  • Plane ticket to your final destination.
  • Information about your travel itineraryincluding details of connecting flights.
  • Address of your accommodation in Colombia, even if it's just for one night during a long transit.

By following these instructions, you can enjoy a stress-free transit in Colombia that complies with the requirements of the Colombian authorities.


find out whether you need to complete the check-mig form for transit to colombia and obtain the information you need to travel with complete peace of mind.

If you are travelling by ColombiaIt is essential to know the requirements for the Check-Mig form. This document is compulsory for all foreigners entering and leaving the country. But what about travellers in transit ?

The Colombian authorities are demanding that all passengers complete the Check-Mig form, even those in transit. This includes passengers who are only making a brief stopover before continuing their journey to another destination. The form must be completed online before arriving in Colombia.

The process is both quick and simple:

  • Visit the official Colombian migration website.
  • Fill in all the information required, including your personal details and the details of your trip.
  • Submit the form at least 24 hours before your flight.

There is one notable exception for travellers in international transit who remain in the airport's transit zone without going through Colombian immigration. These passengers do not need to complete the Check-Mig form, provided they do not leave the transit zone.

If you need to leave the transit zone, even for a few hours, you must complete the Check-Mig form. Failure to do so may result in fines or even a ban on entering Colombia.

For flights not leaving the airport

If you are a transit in Colombia, it's essential to check the administrative requirements. One of the crucial points is the Check-Miga document required by the Colombian authorities to track migratory movements.

In transit, some exceptions apply. If you are not planning to leave the airport, it may not be necessary to complete the Check-Mig form. However, it is advisable to consult the instructions provided by your airline before your departure, as they may vary.

For flights in correspondence where you do not intend to leave the international zone of the airport, the Check-Mig form is generally not required. The following is generally recommended:

  • Check with your airline the specific requirements of your flight.
  • Keep all travel documents on you.
  • Make sure you do not leave the transit zone international airport.

Under these conditions, you can travel through Colombia without having to fill in this form. However, keeping up to date with any updates to migration policies is crucial to a worry-free trip.

Transit for less than 24 hours

When travelling internationally with a stopover in Colombia, it is important to understand the specific requirements for Check-Mig form. This document is essential for travellers entering the country. However, there are certain exceptions to this rule.

One notable exception concerns travellers in transit. If your stopover in Colombia lasts less than 24 hours, you are generally not required to complete the Check-Mig formprovided you meet certain criteria. Here are the rules you need to follow to be exempt from this obligation:

  • You do not leave the airport transit zone.
  • Your transit time in Colombia is less than 24 hours.
  • You have a confirmed reservation for your onward flight.

If you meet these conditions, you can transit through Colombia without having to complete the Check-Mig formThis makes your trip much easier. However, be sure to check the latest recommendations and restrictions from the Colombian authorities before you leave, as these may change.

Travellers should always carry their travel documents up to date and ensure compliance with all health restrictions in force. By being well informed, you can ensure a smooth and legal transit through this Latin American country.

Travellers from other Latin American countries

When travelling by ColombiaIf you are planning to buy a new car, it is essential to know what administrative formalities are required. A recurring question is whether the form Check-Mig must be filled in when transit in the country.

As a general rule, all travellers entering or leaving Colombia must complete this form. However, there are exceptions.

For those who do not leave the airport's international transit zone, it is not necessary to complete the Check-Mig. These travellers are simply passing through without entering Colombian territory, making the form superfluous.

It is important to note certain specific circumstances in which completion of the form is not required:

  • Travellers with a short stopover, without passing through immigration control.
  • Passengers in direct transit whose final destination is another country, and who remain in the transit zone.

Travellers from other Latin American countries who have a connecting flight in Colombia should check whether they are leaving the transit zone. If so, they will need to complete the Check-Mig form, otherwise they can simply continue their journey without this formality.

We recommend that you always check the public health policies The Colombian authorities may modify the requirements depending on the health situation. The Colombian authorities may modify the requirements depending on the health situation.

🛫 In transit in Colombia
Check entry and transit requirements
✈️ Completing the Check-Mig form may be required
ℹ️ Find out about transit arrangements

Penalties for non-compliance

If you are in transit in Colombia, the question of whether or not to fill the Check-Mig form is often asked. As a general rule, all passengers arriving in Colombia, even temporarily, must complete this form. It enables the Colombian authorities to keep accurate track of people entering and leaving the country, a requirement that has been made even more stringent by the country's security measures. public health.

The form must be completed between 24 hours and one hour before your flight. If you fail to complete this form, you may be liable to penalties. These vary depending on the situation, but may include :

  • Administrative fines
  • Delays in boarding or clearing immigration
  • Possible ban on entering Colombia

It is essential to ensure that all the information provided on the form is accurate. Errors or omissions can lead to further complications.

To complete the form, you will need :

  • Your passport
  • Your plane ticket
  • Your contact details
  • Information about your stay, even if you're in transit

Remember that periods can change rapidly, especially during periods of health crises. It is therefore advisable to check current requirements before you leave. This will ensure that your trip goes smoothly and without a hitch.

Possible fines

If you are in transit in Colombia and you do not meet the Check-Mig formWhen you arrive at the airport, you could face a number of unexpected consequences. It is essential to understand local requirements to avoid stressful situations at the airport.

Not only could immigration officials refuse you entry to the country, even in transit, but you could also encounter difficulties boarding your connecting flight. Airlines are obliged to check that all passengers have completed the Check-Mig form before departure.

Some travellers have reported long delays if the form is not presented. In extreme cases, you may have to buy a new ticket for a later flight, which will incur significant additional costs.

In addition to the practical disadvantages, there are also some financial penalties if you fail to comply with the regulations in force. Fines may vary depending on the length of your transit and the specific circumstances.

  • Administrative fines
  • Delay fees for flight changes
  • Additional charges for reissued tickets

We therefore recommend that you take a few minutes to fill in the Check-Mig form before you leave. This will minimise the risk of complications and avoid unexpected costs.

Denied boarding

During a transit in ColombiaIt is essential to know whether you need to complete the Check-Mig form. This form is a requirement put in place by the Colombian government to check passenger information, mainly as part of health measures.

However, the rules may vary depending on the length of your stopover and whether or not you are leaving the airport's international zone. In general, if you are not leaving the international zone and your transit is less than 24 hours, you are not obliged to complete the form. However, it is vital to check the precise instructions before travelling to avoid any problems.

Failure to comply with this formality may result in penalties of penalties and it can also lead to delays or administrative problems. It is therefore always wise to complete the form to avoid complications.

In the event of non-compliance with the obligations relating to the Check-Mig form, a number of penalties may be applied. These may include fines or other types of penalty. Airlines are particularly strict in this respect and may refuse boarding if the form is not completed correctly.

A major risk for travellers is denied boarding This means that you could be prevented from leaving your country of origin or continuing your journey from Colombia.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, we recommend that you follow the steps below:

  • Check the transit requirements specified by your airline.
  • Check the guidelines issued by the Colombian authorities regularly for any updates.
  • Fill in the Check-Mig form even if you think you don't need it - it's better to be cautious.

By following these recommendations, you can minimise the risk of delays and complications during your trip to Colombia.

Consequences for airlines

If you are in transit in ColombiaIt is important to know whether you need to complete the Check-Mig. In principle, this form is intended for passengers entering and leaving Colombian territory. However, even transit passengers are often required to complete it, as the Colombian migration authorities seek prior information on all travellers in transit zones.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the form Check-Mig can lead to penalties. Passengers who fail to complete this form risk being fined. They may also be denied access to their connecting flight, which may result in additional costs for rescheduling or booking a new flight.

The airlines are also responsible for the form Check-Mig. They may be penalised if their passengers do not complete the form before transit. It is therefore in their interest to make their passengers aware of this requirement to avoid fines and potential delays.

  • Always check migration requirements before you travel.
  • Complete the Check-Mig form even if you are only transiting through Colombia.
  • Use secure payment methods for all your travel-related transactions.

To avoid any inconvenience, make sure you check the validity of your passport and all the migration requirements specific to your destination and transit countries.


If you are in transit in Colombia, it is important to understand the administrative formalities required to avoid any problems on arrival. Colombia requires all passengers, including those in transit, to complete the Check-Mig before their departure.

The Check-Mig form is a requirement imposed by the Colombian government to facilitate the procedures for issuingimmigration and sanitary control. Even if you are only in the country for a short time, such as during a stopover, you must complete it.

To complete the Check-Mig form, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official Check-Mig website.
  • Fill in the information requested, including your personal details, flight details and transit status.
  • Submit the form and make sure you receive confirmation.
  • Print or keep a digital copy of the confirmation to present to the Colombian authorities if necessary.

Filling in this form in advance will help you avoid delays and complications on arrival. Always check the latest requirements before you leave, as rules can change rapidly according to global and local health guidelines.

To ensure a smooth journey, also make sure that your passport is valid and up to date. Even in transit, it is crucial to comply with all entry formalities to ensure a smooth travel experience.

Compliance with the rules in force

The form Check-Mig is an essential step for anyone wishing to enter Colombia, whether for a stay or in transit. Colombian law stipulates that all travellers, including those in transit, must complete this form at least 24 hours before their planned departure.

The Check-Mig is more than just an administrative formality. It enables the Colombian authorities to keep a close eye on the flow of travellers and to guarantee the safety of their passports. health security of the country. What's more, completing this form helps to speed up immigration procedures at the airport, making your travel experience smoother.

How to fill in the Check-Mig form :

  • Access the Migración Colombia official website.
  • Choose your preferred language.
  • Enter your personal details, including passport details and flight information.
  • Confirm and submit your answers.

Remember to keep a digital or printed copy of your confirmation. You will be asked for it when you pass through the immigration authorities in Colombia.

By completing the Check-Mig form, you are helping to ensure compliance with the following measures public safety and health in Colombia. This includes checking your state of health and declaring your recent movements. If you need update your information or to correct an error, you can return to the site and make the changes before you arrive.

For a smooth transit through Colombia, we strongly recommend that you prepare and submit your Check-Mig in good time. You should also check whether any additional restrictions or documents are required depending on the current health situation.

Importance of compliance

The form Check-Mig is an essential document for all travellers entering the country. Colombiabut what if you're simply in transit in the country?

When you are in transit through Colombia, it is compulsory to complete the Check-Mig form, which enables the Colombian authorities to monitor the movements of travellers and ensure compliance with public health policies, in particular those introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By completing this form, you are contributing to the safety and security for everyone.

Here are the steps for completing the Check-Mig form:

  • Visit the Colombian government's official Check-Mig website.
  • Fill in your personal details, including your passport number and contact details.
  • Indicate the nature of your visit to Colombia, specifying that you are in transit.
  • Submit the form at least 24 hours before your arrival in Colombia.

Failure to complete this form could result in delays or fines when you go through immigration. What's more, this could complicate your itinerary and potentially cause you to miss your connection.

Complying with Colombian transit regulations is crucial to ensuring a smooth journey. Filling in the Check-Mig form is an essential step that will enable you to enjoy your trip while complying with Colombian transit regulations. public health policies of the country.

By complying with Colombian government requirements, not only are you facilitating your own travel experience, but you are also contributing to the protection of the environment. collective security. Submitting the Check-Mig form is a simple but essential step for all travellers in transit through Colombia.

Ensuring a smooth journey

If you are in transit in Colombia, it's crucial to know whether you need to complete the Check-Mig form. This document is usually required for travellers entering or leaving the country, but what about transit passengers?

When you are in transit, the general rule in Colombia is that you must will not need to complete the Check-Mig form as long as you stay in the international zone of the airport. This means that you will have no interaction with the Colombian immigration authorities.

However, some exceptions may apply. For example, if your transit involves a long stopover requiring you to leave the international zone, you will need to complete the Check-Mig form. In addition, for reasons of security and public health, it is always a good idea to check specific and current requirements before you leave.

To guarantee a smooth journeywe recommend that you :

  • Confirm transit requirements with your airline.
  • Check the latest information on the Colombian authorities' website.
  • Make sure that all your travel documents, including your passport, are up to date and in order.

By taking these precautions, you can minimise the risk of complications and enjoy a hassle-free transit in Colombia.

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